Happy St Andrews day everyone St Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland, and indeed some other countries - Greece, Ukraine, Cyprus, Romania, Italy's Amalfi, and Barbados. He is also the patron saint of singers, rope makers, textile workers ☺️ fishmongers, fishermen, gout, and sore throats (lol). To celebrate this day, and if you have gout or a sore throat, here's a wee sale to cheer you up. Until Friday 2nd of December, there is a 30% discount on ALL my patterns. Use the code STANDREW at checkout on both Ravelry and Etsy. Get your discounted patterns while you can. https://www.ravelry.com/designers/abi-mcintyre https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/GetYerHookOn?coupon=STANDREW Abi ❤️